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Covid%20Anti%20Virus%20Quantum - Home Treatment Diseases

 Metatron Hospital Scan
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Until recently, this equipment has been used only in the aerospace medicine. Today, MEDICOMAT-36 can be used with no restrictions. Metatron Hospital scan

Health Diagnostic Complex, Covid%20Anti%20Virus%20Quantum and Causes, Triggers, Symptoms and Treatments. Ear acupuncture is used to treat a wide spectrum of clinical disorders including headaches, chronic back pain, high blood pressure, allergies, stressful conditions, quitting smoking, insomnia, weight loss .... test

Medicomat strongly recommend that all remote clients have a Quantum Pendant. This is to maximise the treatments, enhance distance healing sessions and acts as a storage device that is charged during a Medicomat balancing session. They transmit the patterns to a person while being worn or carried, working best within 7cm of the body. The pendants also serve as a receiver for remote sessions. scan

With traditional acupuncture treatments, are increasingly applied ELECTROACUPUNCTURE, elektropunktura in the last few years laser acupuncture. Electroacupuncture deep electro introduced through the needle. Elektropunktura to Voll actually is a method that is performed using devices called EAV organometar, developed by a German dr.R.Voll. It is also used for therapy and diagnostics. Metatron scan

Quantum Bioresonance Rotator Cuff, Covid%20Anti%20Virus%20Quantum and Human Health. test Testing of etalons: ∙ organopreparations ∙ biochemical homeostasis ∙ pathomorphology ∙ microorganisms and parasites ∙ allergens ∙ allopathy ∙ nutriceutics ∙ homeopathy ∙ phytotherapy ∙ lithotherapy ∙ food products ∙ genetic predisposition ∙ vaccine ∙ age timeline

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